When considering there is currently no regulatory body for 16+ supported living services in the UK, we have adapted six quality standards from the Children’s Homes Regulations 2015 in the form of principles to guide the expectations of our service delivery for young people.
The quality and purpose of support principle
The quality and purpose of support principle is that young people receive support from staff who;
Understand and apply the statement of purpose.
Protect and promote each the welfare of each young person.
Treat each young person with dignity and respect.
Provide personalised support that meets each young person’s needs, as recorded in relevant plans, taking account of the young person’s background.
Help each young person to understand and manage any unresolved issues around abuse or neglect through therapeutic support.
Help each young person to develop resilience and skills that prepare them to live in a new placement or to live independently as an adult.
Provide to the young people living in the home, the physical necessities they need to live there comfortably.
Ensure the premises used for the purpose of the home are designed and furnished to meet the needs of each young person.
The young people's views, wishes and feelings principle
The young people’s views, wishes and feelings principle is that young people receive support from staff who;
Ascertain and consider each young person’s view, wishes and feeling and balance these against what they judged to be in their best interest when making decision about their welfare.
Help each young person to express views, wishes and feelings.
Regularly consult young people, and seek their feedback, about the quality of the support they receive.
Help each young person to understand how their privacy will be respected and the circumstances when it may have to be limited.
Help each young person prepare for any review of the young person’s relevant plans and to make their view wishes and feelings known for the purpose of the review.
Ensure that each young person can provide feedback to, and raise issues with a relevant person about the support and services that they receive.
Has access to the home’s young person guide, the complaints procedure when placement agreed and throughout their stay.
Is provided appropriate advocacy support when needed.
The education / vocation principle
The education/vocational principle is that young people make measurable progress towards achieving their educational and/or vocational potential and are helped to do so, and that staff will;
Help each young person to achieve their educational and/or training targets recorded in their relevant plan.
Support each young person’s learning and development, including to develop independent study skills, and where appropriate help to complete independent study skills.
Understand the barriers to learning that each young person may face and take appropriate action to help the young person to overcome any such barrier.
Maintain regular contact with each young person’s education and training provider to the young person to maximise their own effort.
Help each child above compulsory school age to participate in further education, training, or employment and to prepare for future support, education, or employment.
The health and well-being principle
The health and well-being principle is that young people will receive advice, services, and support in relation to their health and well-being and be supported to lead healthy lives;
Young people will receive advice, services, and support in relation to health and well-being.
Be supported to lead healthy lives.
Each young person is registered with a general practitioner, registered dental practitioner, and have access to dental, medical, psychiatric, and psychological advice or treatment along with other services.
The protection of young people principle
The protection of young people principle is that young people are protected from harm and enabled to keep themselves safe;
Help each young person how to keep safe.
Have the skills to identify and act upon signs that a young person is at risk of harm.
Manage relationships between young people to prevent them from harming each other.
Take effective action when there is a serious concern about a child’s welfare.
The premises used of the purpose of the home are designed and maintained as to protect each young person from hazard.
Effectiveness of safeguarding is routinely monitored.
The leadership and management principle
The leadership and management principle are that we provide, enable, inspire, and lead a culture in relation to the home that:
Helps young people to aspire to fulfil their full potential.
Promotes their welfare.
Leads and manage the home in a way that is consistent with the approach and ethos, and delivers the outcomes, set out in the homes statement of purpose.
Ensures that staff work as a team where appropriate.
Ensures that staff have the experience and skills to meet the needs of each young person.
Understands the impact the quality of support provided in the home is having on the progress and experience of every young person.
Uses monitoring and review systems to make continuous improvements in the quality of support provided in the home.